Even though I consider my personal study of critical thinking to only have just begun, I already have some useful resources. I do consider this list incomplete and I welcome suggestions, or even criticisms of these sources. Starred items are those I'm hoping to read (and review) in the (near) future.
The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan. A convincing case for science and against a host of irrational beliefs, especially pseudoscience. Has the famous "baloney detection kit" (courtesy of Google Books), which you should definitely check out, even if you don't read the entire book. Update(5/01/11): Review.
A Rulebook for Arguments, Anthony Weston. Seems to focus on constructing good arguments, rather than identifying bad ones. Since that is very useful, I'm going to have to read this one. A recomendation from Kevin deLeplante (see below for his video series).
A Rulebook for Arguments, Anthony Weston. Seems to focus on constructing good arguments, rather than identifying bad ones. Since that is very useful, I'm going to have to read this one. A recomendation from Kevin deLeplante (see below for his video series).
A Short course in Intellectual Self-defense, Normand Baillargeon. More specifically on critical thinking. The author cheerfully admits a bias towards the ideas of Noam Chomsky (The cover reads "unleash your inner Chomsky"), but useful nonetheless. Update(5/01/11): Review.
The Critical Thinker, Kevin deLeplante. An ongoing series on critical thinking. Covers topics ranging from logical fallacies to rhetoric. Also available as an audio podcast.
Critical Thinking, QualiaSoup. A quick introduction. Also see his videos 'The Problem with Anecdotes' and 'Open mindedness.'.
The Fallacy Files Probably one of the first sites I encountered. Comprehensive, but not always the most clear.
Humbug!, Jef and Theo Clark. Seems to have good explanations, but has a distracting watermark on each page. Also available as a physical book (with no watermarks).*
Badarguments.org Have not signed up for the email service (yet?), but the non-subscription part of the site is a helpful practical tool.*
In the near future, expect longer reviews of at least the books and maybe some of the websites and videos as well. In the meantime, enjoy!
Edited 5/01/11 to add links to reviews and change the italicized entries to starred ones.
In the near future, expect longer reviews of at least the books and maybe some of the websites and videos as well. In the meantime, enjoy!
Edited 5/01/11 to add links to reviews and change the italicized entries to starred ones.
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